API Reference

Client Interface

class aioinflux.client.InfluxDBClient(host='localhost', port=8086, mode='async', output='json', db=None, *, ssl=False, unix_socket=None, username=None, password=None, database=None, loop=None)[source]

Pings InfluxDB. Returns a dictionary containing the headers of the response from influxd.

Return type:dict
query(q, *args, epoch='ns', chunked=False, chunk_size=None, db=None, parser=None, **kwargs)[source]

Sends a query to InfluxDB. Please refer to the InfluxDB documentation for all the possible queries: https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/latest/query_language/

  • q (AnyStr) – Raw query string
  • args – Positional arguments for query patterns
  • db (Optional[str]) – Database to be queried. Defaults to self.db.
  • epoch (str) – Precision level of response timestamps. Valid values: {'ns', 'u', 'µ', 'ms', 's', 'm', 'h'}.
  • chunked (bool) – If True, makes InfluxDB return results in streamed batches rather than as a single response. Returns an AsyncGenerator which yields responses in the same format as non-chunked queries.
  • chunk_size (Optional[int]) – Max number of points for each chunk. By default, InfluxDB chunks responses by series or by every 10,000 points, whichever occurs first.
  • kwargs – Keyword arguments for query patterns
  • parser (Optional[Callable]) – Optional parser function for ‘iterable’ mode
Return type:

Union[Asyncgenerator[+T_co, -T_contra], dict, bytes, InfluxDBResult, InfluxDBChunkedResult]


Response in the format specified by the combination of InfluxDBClient.output and chunked

classmethod set_query_pattern(name, qp)[source]

Defines custom methods to provide quick access to commonly used query patterns. Query patterns are plain strings, with optional the named placed holders. Named placed holders are processed as keyword arguments in str.format. Positional arguments are also supported.

Sample query pattern: "SELECT mean(load) FROM cpu_stats WHERE host = '{host}' AND time > now() - {days}d"

  • name (str) – Name of the query pattern class method. Must be a valid Python identifier.
  • qp (str) – Query pattern string
Return type:


write(data, measurement=None, db=None, precision=None, rp=None, tag_columns=None, **extra_tags)[source]

Writes data to InfluxDB. Input can be:

  1. A mapping (e.g. dict) containing the keys: measurement, time, tags, fields
  2. A Pandas DataFrame with a DatetimeIndex
  3. A user defined class decorated w/ lineprotocol()
  4. A string (str or bytes) properly formatted in InfluxDB’s line protocol
  5. An iterable of one of the above

Input data in formats 1-3 are parsed to the line protocol before being written to InfluxDB. See the InfluxDB docs for more details.

  • data (Union[AnyStr, Mapping[~KT, +VT_co], Iterable[Union[AnyStr, Mapping[~KT, +VT_co]]]]) – Input data (see description above).
  • measurement (Optional[str]) – Measurement name. Mandatory when when writing DataFrames only. When writing dictionary-like data, this field is treated as the default value for points that do not contain a measurement field.
  • db (Optional[str]) – Database to be written to. Defaults to self.db.
  • precision (Optional[str]) – Sets the precision for the supplied Unix time values. Ignored if input timestamp data is of non-integer type. Valid values: {'ns', 'u', 'µ', 'ms', 's', 'm', 'h'}
  • rp (Optional[str]) – Sets the target retention policy for the write. If unspecified, data is written to the default retention policy.
  • tag_columns (Optional[Iterable[+T_co]]) – Columns to be treated as tags (used when writing DataFrames only)
  • extra_tags – Additional tags to be added to all points passed.
Return type:



Returns True if insert is successful. Raises ValueError exception otherwise.

exception aioinflux.client.InfluxDBError[source]

Raised when an server-side error occurs

exception aioinflux.client.InfluxDBWriteError(resp)[source]

Raised when a server-side writing error occurs

Result iteration

class aioinflux.iterutils.InfluxDBChunkedResult(gen, parser=None, query=None)[source]

Wrapper around an InfluxDB chunked response

class aioinflux.iterutils.InfluxDBResult(data, parser=None, query=None)[source]

Wrapper around an InfluxDB response

aioinflux.iterutils.iterpoints(resp, parser=None)[source]

Iterates a response JSON yielding data point by point.

Can be used with both regular and chunked responses. By default, returns just a plain list of values representing each point, without column names, or other metadata.

In case a specific format is needed, an optional parser argument can be passed. parser is a function that takes a list of values for each data point and a metadata dictionary containing all or a subset of the following: {'columns', 'name', 'tags', 'statement_id'}.

Sample parser function:

def parser(x, meta):
    return dict(zip(meta['columns'], x))
  • resp (dict) – Dictionary containing parsed JSON (output from InfluxDBClient.query)
  • parser (Optional[Callable]) – Optional parser function
Return type:



Generator object



aioinflux.serialization.mapping.serialize(point, measurement=None, **extra_tags)[source]

Converts dictionary-like data into a single line protocol line (point)

Return type:bytes

User-defined classes

aioinflux.serialization.usertype.lineprotocol(cls=None, *, schema=None, rm_none=False, extra_tags=None, placeholder=False)[source]

Adds to_lineprotocol method to arbitrary user-defined classes

  • schema – Schema dictionary (attr/type pairs).
  • rm_none – Whether apply a regex to remove None values. If False, passing None values to boolean, integer or float or time fields will result in write errors. Setting to True is “safer” but impacts performance.
  • extra_tags – Hard coded tags to be added to every point generated.
  • placeholder – If no field attributes are present, add a placeholder attribute (_) which is always equal to True. This is a workaround for creating field-less points (which is not supported natively by InfluxDB)
exception aioinflux.serialization.usertype.SchemaError[source]

Raised when invalid schema is passed to lineprotocol()