Source code for aioinflux.serialization.datapoint

import enum
import ciso8601
import time
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
import re  # noqa
from collections import Counter

# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
from .common import *  # noqa
from ..compat import pd

[docs]class DataPoint: """Base class for dynamically generated datapoint class""" __slots__ = ()
[docs] def items(self): """Returns an iterator over pair of keys and values"""
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """Converts datapoint to a regular dictionary"""
[docs] def to_lineprotocol(self) -> bytes: """Returns InfluxDB line protocol representation of datapoint"""
[docs]class InfluxType(enum.Enum): MEASUREMENT = 0 TIMEINT = 10 TIMESTR = 11 TIMEDT = 12 TAG = 20 TAGENUM = 21 # Fields (>=25) PLACEHOLDER = 25 BOOL = 30 INT = 40 FLOAT = 50 STR = 60 ENUM = 61
def str_to_dt(s): dt = ciso8601.parse_datetime(s) if dt: return dt raise ValueError(f'Invalid datetime string: {dt!r}') def dt_to_int(dt): if not dt.tzinfo: # Assume tz-naive input to be in UTC, not local time return int(dt.timestamp() - time.timezone) * 10 ** 9 + dt.microsecond * 1000 return int(dt.timestamp()) * 10 ** 9 + dt.microsecond * 1000 def td_to_int(td): return int(td.total_seconds()) * 10 ** 9 + td.microseconds * 1000 def _make_serializer(schema, meas, rm_none=False, extra_tags=None): """Factory of datapoint -> line protocol parsers""" tags = [] fields = [] ts = None meas = meas for k, t in schema.items(): if t is InfluxType.MEASUREMENT: meas = f"{{i.{k}}}" elif t is InfluxType.TIMEINT: ts = f"{{i.{k}}}" elif t is InfluxType.TIMESTR: if pd: ts = f"{{pd.Timestamp(i.{k} or 0).value}}" else: ts = f"{{dt_to_int(str_to_dt(i.{k}))}}" elif t is InfluxType.TIMEDT: if pd: ts = f"{{pd.Timestamp(i.{k} or 0).value}}" else: ts = f"{{dt_to_int(i.{k})}}" elif t is InfluxType.TAG: tags.append(f"{k}={{str(i.{k}).translate(tag_escape)}}") elif t is InfluxType.TAGENUM: tags.append(f"{k}={{getattr(i.{k}, 'name', i.{k} or None)}}") elif t in (InfluxType.FLOAT, InfluxType.BOOL): fields.append(f"{k}={{i.{k}}}") elif t is InfluxType.INT: fields.append(f"{k}={{i.{k}}}i") elif t is InfluxType.PLACEHOLDER: fields.append(f"{k}=true") elif t is InfluxType.STR: fields.append(f"{k}=\\\"{{str(i.{k}).translate(str_escape)}}\\\"") elif t is InfluxType.ENUM: fields.append(f"{k}=\\\"{{getattr(i.{k}, 'name', i.{k} or None)}}\\\"") else: raise TypeError(f"Unknown type: {t!r}") extra_tags = extra_tags or {} for k, v in extra_tags.items(): tags.append(f"{k}={v}") sep = ',' if tags else '' ts = f' {ts}' if ts else '' fmt = f"{meas}{sep}{','.join(tags)} {','.join(fields)}{ts}" if rm_none: # Has substantial runtime impact. Best avoided if performance is critical. # First field can't be removed. pat = ',\w+="?None"?i?' f = eval('lambda i: re.sub(r\'{}\', "", f"{}").encode()'.format(pat, fmt)) else: f = eval('lambda i: f"{}".encode()'.format(fmt)) f.__doc__ = DataPoint.to_lineprotocol.__doc__ return f
[docs]def datapoint(schema=None, name="DataPoint", *, rm_none=False, fill_none=False, extra_tags=None): """Dynamic datapoint class factory Can be used as a decorator (similar to Python 3.7 :py:mod:`dataclasses`) or as a function (similar to :py:func:`~collections.namedtuple`, but mutable). Main characteristics: - Supports accessing field values by attribute or subscription - Support dict-like iteration via ``items`` method - Built-in serialization to InfluxDB line protocol through the ``to_lineprotocol`` method. - About 2-3x faster serialization than the ``serialization.mapping`` module. - Difference gets smaller (1x-1.5x) when ``rm_none=True`` or when the number of fields/tags is very large (20+). :param schema: Dictionary-based (functional namedtuple style) or @dataclass decorator-based (dataclass style) measurement schema :param name: Class name (used when passing schema dictionaries only) :param rm_none: Whether apply a regex to remove ``None`` values from. If ``False``, passing ``None`` values to boolean, integer or float or time fields will result in write errors. Setting to ``True`` is "safer" but impacts performance. :param fill_none: Whether or not to set missing fields to ``None``. Likely best used together with ``rm_none=True``. :param extra_tags: Hard coded tags to be added to every point generated. """ def _datapoint(schema): cls_name = getattr(schema, "__name__", name) docstring = getattr(schema, '__doc__', DataPoint.__doc__) schema = getattr(schema, "__annotations__", schema) schema = {k: schema[k] for k in sorted(schema, key=lambda x: schema[x].value)} # Sanity check c = Counter(schema.values()) assert c[InfluxType.MEASUREMENT] <= 1 assert sum([c[e] for e in InfluxType if 0 < e.value < 20]) <= 1 # 0 or 1 timestamp assert sum([c[e] for e in InfluxType if e.value >= 25]) > 0 # 1 or more fields # Generate __init__ if fill_none: args = ', '.join([f"{k}=None" for k in schema]) else: args = ', '.join(schema) exec( f"def __init__(self, {args}):\n" + "\n".join([f' self.{k} = {k}' for k in schema]) ) def __repr__(self): items = [f'{k}={repr(v)}' for k, v in self.items()] return f'{cls_name}({", ".join(items)})' def items(self): for k in self._schema: yield k, getattr(self, k) yield from self._extra_tags.items() cls_attrs = { '_schema': schema, '_opts': (rm_none, fill_none), '_extra_tags': extra_tags or {}, '__slots__': tuple(schema), '__init__': locals()['__init__'], '__repr__': locals()['__repr__'], '__getitem__': lambda self, item: getattr(self, item), '__len__': lambda self: len(self._schema), '__iter__': lambda self: iter(self._schema), '__eq__': lambda self, other: all(self[k] == other[k] for k in self), '__doc__': docstring, 'items': locals()['items'], 'to_dict': lambda self: dict(self.items()), 'to_lineprotocol': _make_serializer(schema, cls_name, rm_none, extra_tags) } return type(cls_name, (DataPoint,), cls_attrs) return _datapoint(schema) if schema else _datapoint